Understanding TRACEUnderstanding TRACE > Data OrganizationData Organization > Fields


Fields are the building blocks of forms. While users spend a lot of time working in forms, they enter the data in fields. Where forms organize data within modules, fields organize data within forms. Additionally, fields can store different types of data, including text, date, or numerical. Fields also perform calculations and formatting depending on the field type, and force whether certain information is required for a successful save.


Note: Field names in italics represent required fields. Users must complete these fields to successfully save a form.

Field Type

TRACE supports the following field types:

      Calculated: Performs some type of arithmetic on one or more fields on the same form to create new data. Fields of this type may adjust currency rates or provide totals from existing fields.

      Choice: Provides a choice to the user, either through a drop-down list or a selection text list.

      Date: Enter a date manually or select from a calendar.

      Document: Provides a way to attach a document or web link to a document.

      Flag: A checkbox field that toggles a flag on or off.

      Number: Allows entry of numerical characters with format and boundary verification.

      Related: Provides a link to other forms in the project.

      Text: A single or multi-lined text field having maximum 4000 characters.

      Long Text: Multi-lined text field having a maximum 8000 characters.

      User: A user-selection list for assigning users to an item.

Project Administrators can create custom fields for their project. See Modify or Create Fields.