Understanding TRACEUnderstanding TRACE > Data OrganizationData Organization > FieldsFields > Common Fields

Common Fields

Certain fields are used throughout TRACE to enter and display information. This section identifies these common fields.

Common fields in TRACE include:

      Assigned and/or CC: These user fields are present on every new item dialog and are used to assign the form to specific project personnel. When staff member(s) are added to the Assigned field, they receive email notifications of the assignment, and whenever comments are posted or status changes are made to the form.

Use the CC field to enter the staff member(s) that should be copied on emails when changes or comments are posted for the form. Project staff added to both fields display on the form's main page in TRACE.

For both fields, select Add to choose from a list of users on the project. Click Me as a quick way to add yourself. Use the arrow buttons to move staff between the fields.

Figure 33: Assigned and CC Fields

      Attachments: A field that lets users attach documents or web links to the form.

      Project: This read-only field displays the project name.

      Form ID: This field displays a form identifier that is either automatically generated or user-specified, depending on the form type configuration.

      Summary: A text field for entering a summary description of the item.

      Description: A text field for entering a description of the item.

      Priority: Provides a drop-down list to set the item's priority.

      Severity: Similar to the Priority field, the severity identifies the item's impact to the overall project if not completed.

      Status: Identifies the state of the workflow and allows a user to interact with the workflow as defined by the form type configuration.

      Comment: Comment fields are multi-lined text field that provide a means to share information with project team members. Each time a user enters a comment, TRACE automatically assigns the date, time, and their user name to it. Comments display sequentially.

      Related: Related item fields provide the means to establish links to other forms in TRACE. Once established, relations (to other forms) display as links on the form's main page and on the form's dialog box when opened for edit.

If the project requires, Project Administrators can create custom fields for their project. See Modify or Create Fields

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