Customizing TRACECustomizing TRACE > Customization ProceduresCustomization Procedures > Modify or Create Fields

Modify or Create Fields

Add Fields to a Form Type

To add fields to an existing form type:


Tutorials Available: Go to Creating or Changing a Form Type for an interactive tutorial on adding new form types to a project.


 1.  Log into the project as a PM.

 2.  From the project home page, click Form Types from the Action links.

 3.  Click the link for the form type requiring modification. The Edit Form Type dialog displays.

 4.  Click the tab in the middle “form builder” section of the dialog to add fields to it.

12. Add fields to the tab:

a)    To add an existing field, click the field name link in the lower section of the dialog in the Fields list. Once clicked, the field displays in the selected tab in the middle “form builder” section of the dialog.

Fields are displayed in 3 categories:

                            i. Standard containing all global fields, that can be re-used in any project but cannot by changed by Project Administrator. Only TRACE Admin can create and change global fields.

                           ii. Editable by You containing fields created in the current project and in the projects where you have Project Administrator rights.

                          iii. Other containing fields created in other projects that you can reuse but not change.

Tip: Use the field search box to find fields. Search by field name, by field type or by the project name that created the field. Then use the Details link displayed for each field to inspect and review the field settings.


b)    To add a new field, click the  icon in the lower section of the dialog.

c)    To move a field’s location, left-click the   icon next to the field and drag it up or down to a new location.

Tip: To change the name of an existing field, it is not necessary to create a new field. Add the field to the form type and then click More to update the field name.


d)    To make a field required, select the Required checkbox next to the field.

Figure 66 Field Options

e)    To set additional field properties, click More to the right of the field. Options include:

      Internal: Select to make this field available to users marked as Internal.

·         Group with previous: Select to have the field display side-by-side with the previous field.

·         On change Trigger Email: Select to trigger an email notification sent to notifiable users when field value is changed

·         Add creator to this field: Displays only for user fields. Select to add automatically the form creator to the field when creating a form of this type.

·         Receives emails on change (in To or in CC field of the email). Displays only for user fields. Select to include the users from this field into notifiable user list (email distribution list) for receiving email notifications when this form is changed.

·         Rename: Enter a new field name.

Tip: Click Less to hide field properties.

 5.  Perform Steps 4 and 5, above, until complete.

 6.  Click Save to save the newly edited form type.

Create New Fields

Refer to Field Type Selections.

Use the Create Field dialog to add new fields to a project. There are two different methods to use to access this dialog:

      The Fields section of the project home page. See below.

      The Create a new Form Type dialog. See Modify or Create Form Types.

To create a new field:


Tutorials Available: Go to Creating or Changing a Form Type for an interactive tutorial on creating and adding new to a form type.


 1.  Log into the project as a PM.

 2.  From the project home page, click Fields from the Action links. If the project has pre-defined custom fields, they display in this section.

 3.  Click New Field… to display the Create Field dialog.

 4.  Enter information in the following fields:

 a)  Name: This is the name that displays to the left of the field

 b)  Description: A description that displays anywhere the field can be selected in TRACE. It will also pop up as a tool tip when a user hovers the mouse over the field name when creating or editing a form.

 c)   Type: This drop-down list lets users select the type of information the field will be used to enter, in addition to what the field will look like. Depending on the selection, other fields may display directly beneath this list for additional information. See Field Type Selections for specific information on field type options.

 5.  Click Save. The new field will display in the Fields section of the Main pane and be available in the Create a new Form Type and/or Edit Form Type dialogs.

Modify Fields

To modify fields:

 1.  Log into the project as a PM.

 2.  From the project home page, click Fields from the Action links.

 3.  Click a field link to display the Edit Field dialog.

 4.  Update information in the following fields:

 a)  Name: This is the name that displays to the left of the field.

 b)  Description: A description that displays anywhere users can select a field in TRACE.

 c)   Type: This drop-down list lets users select the type of information the field will be used to enter, in addition to what the field will look like. Depending on the selection, other fields may display directly beneath this list for additional information. See Field Type Selections for specific information on field type options.

 5.  Click Save.