Standard ModulesStandard Modules > Bugs


The Bugs module lets users open Bugs to identify defects that are discovered as part of ongoing testing. Select the Bugs button on the Module Bar to use this module in TRACE. To learn how to create a new Bug, see Add/Edit Forms.

The Bugs form type has the following fields specific to identifying and tracking bug status:

      Observed Behavior: This required multi-lined text field provides the space necessary to identify the problem that necessitated the Bug’s creation.

      Expected Behavior: What was supposed to happen? Enter it here.

      Steps to Reproduce: Provides the space to write down what happened – how does another staff member discover the problem?

      Priority: Select the Bug’s importance to the project, from Very Low to Very High.

      Severity: Select the Bug’s impact to the project, from Enhancement to Blocker.

See Fields for an explanation of the other fields that appear on the form.

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