Standard Modules

Standard Modules

TRACE has several standard modules that are designed to meet many project needs. For example, to create a project to build the perfect mouse, the process might work as follows:

     A PM creates and organizes Requirements in Requirements Groups to identify what the finished mouse will do. See Requirements.

     From the Requirements, they assign project staff Action Items to begin the process of creating the mouse. See Actions.

     Along the way, they identify Issues that could impact project outcome. Eventually a prototype is ready to test. See Issues.

     The PM creates Test Groups to organize the required tests and defines Test Cases to provide a list of tests to perform. Then users perform Test Runs to obtain pass/fail test results. See Tests.

     When tests do not provide the desired results, project staff create Bugs to identify the problems and assign due dates for resolving them. See Bugs.

This process continues until the project is complete. Because these modules differ in their intended usage, the fields for entering or editing information on a form type are specific to their function. As a result, each form type within a module follows a pre-defined (but customizable) workflow that identifies the form type's resolution path. Workflows include:

      Open > Close: Applies to Action Items and Test Run forms.

      Open > Resolve > Close: Applies to Bugs and Issues forms.

      Propose > Approve > Delete: Applies to Requirement forms.

Refer to the following sections for additional information on TRACE standard modules.