Using TRACEUsing TRACE > Creating FiltersCreating Filters > Filter Subscription

See Filter Subscription for additional information on filter subscription.

To create a filter subscription:

1.    Run the filter by clicking on the filter name displayed on the sidebar.

2.    Click on Subscribe… link in the action links bar displayed when the filter completes running.

3.    Complete the appropriate settings:

a.    Start time: choose a day hour to receive the email notification

b.    Choose to receive the email notification every weekday or weekly

4.    Click Subscribe button

Figure 528 Filter Subscription

The filters having a subscription display an orange envelop icon () in the sidebar next to their name (see Figure 5‑29).

Figure 529 Filter - Subscription Icons

To unsubscribe from a filter:

1.    Run the filter by clicking on the filter name displayed on the sidebar.

2.    Click on Update Subscription… link in the action links bar displayed when the filter completes running.

3.    Click Unsubscribe button

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